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Papers of the Week

2020 Dec 04

Pain Pract

Effectiveness of Epiduroscopy for Patients with Failed Back Surgery Syndrome: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.


Geudeke MW, Krediet AC, Bilecen S, Huygen FJPM, Rijsdijk M
Pain Pract. 2020 Dec 04.
PMID: 33274591.


Low back or leg pain in patients suffering from failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS) is often severe, having a major impact on functionality and quality of life. Despite conservative and surgical treatments, pain can be persistent. An alternative treatment option is epiduroscopy: a minimally invasive procedure based on mechanical adhesiolysis of epidural fibrosis. Since epidural fibrosis is speculated to be a major contributor in the pathophysiologic process of FBSS, this review evaluates the effectiveness of epiduroscopy in FBSS patients.