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Papers of the Week

2020 Nov 17




First Report of a Severe Outbreak of Aujeszky’s Disease in Cattle in Sicily (Italy).


Ciarello F P, Capucchio M T, Ippolito D, Colombino E, Gibelli L R M, Fiasconaro M, Moreno Martin A M, Di Marco Lo Presti V
Pathogens. 2020 Nov 17; 9(11).
PMID: 33212860.


Aujeszky's disease in cattle is caused by Suid herpes virus 1. The natural infection has been reported worldwide in bovine species and it is related to direct and indirect contact with infected pigs, which represent the main reservoir of the virus. Here, it is reported the first documented outbreak of Aujeszky's disease in cattle in Sicily (Italy). Severe itching and nonspecific neurological symptoms were the main reported clinical signs. No characteristic gross and histological features were reported other than cutaneous lesions caused by excessive pruritus and hyperaemia, haemorrhages and inflammation in the central nervous system. Diagnosis was confirmed by real time PCR and immunohistochemistry on the nervous tissue. The route of infection remained unknown, but serological data observed in pigs living in close cohabitation with cattle revealed a circulation of a wild strain of the virus in the area. This study contributes to a better knowledge of this disease in a non-conventional host and suggests the need to increase the prophylaxis control plans in specific breeding contexts.