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Papers of the Week

2020 Nov 12

JAMA Ophthalmol

Ocular Lesions Other Than Stings Following Yellow-Legged Hornet (Vespa velutina nigrithorax) Projections, as Reported to French Poison Control Centers.


Laborde-Castérot H, Darrouzet E, Le Roux G, Labadie M, Delcourt N, de Haro L, Vodovar D, Langrand J
JAMA Ophthalmol. 2020 Nov 12.
PMID: 33180111.


Since the accidental introduction of the yellow-legged hornet (Vespa velutina nigrithorax) in France in 2004, there have been reports of this insect unexpectedly projecting a liquid toward the human face, but ocular morbidity associated with this is unknown, to our knowledge.