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PLoS One



In vivo and ex vivo assessment of bladder hyper-permeability and using molecular targeted magnetic resonance imaging to detect claudin-2 in a mouse model for interstitial cystitis.


Smith N, Saunders D, Lerner M, Zalles M, Mamedova N, Cheong D, Mohammadi E, Yuan T, Luo Y, Hurst RE, Meerveld B G-V, Towner RA
PLoS One. 2020; 15(10):e0239282.
PMID: 33095778.


To determine if the URO-MCP-1 mouse model for bladder IC/BPS is associated with in vivo bladder hyper-permeability, as measured by contrast-enhanced MRI (CE-MRI), and assess whether molecular-targeted MRI (mt-MRI) can visualize in vivo claudin-2 expression as a result of bladder hyper-permeability. Interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome (IC/BPS) is a chronic, painful condition of the bladder that affects primarily women. It is known that permeability plays a substantial role in IC/BPS. Claudins are tight junction membrane proteins that are expressed in epithelia and endothelia and form paracellular barriers and pores that determine tight junction permeability. Claudin-2 is a molecular marker that is associated with increased hyperpermeability in the urothelium.