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Papers of the Week

2020 Jul 09

Clin Trials

Strengthening the interpretability of clinical trial results by assessing the effect of informative censoring on the primary estimand in PRECISION.


Bao W, Gaffney M, Pressler ML, Fayyad R, Wisemandle W, Beckerman B, Wolski KE, Nissen SE
Clin Trials. 2020 Jul 09:1740774520934747.
PMID: 32643966.


The ICH E9(R1) addendum states that the strategy to account for intercurrent events should be included when defining an estimand, the treatment effect to be estimated based on the study objective. The estimator used to assess the treatment effect needs to be aligned with the estimand that accounted for intercurrent events. Regardless of the strategy, missing data resulting from patient premature withdrawal could undermine the robustness of the study results. Informative censoring due to dropouts in an events-based study is one such example. Sensitivity analyses using imputation methods are useful to examine the uncertainty due to informative censoring and address the robustness and strength of the study results.