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PLoS One



Impact of a perioperative oral opioid substitution protocol during the nationwide intravenous opioid shortage: A single center, interrupted time series with segmented regression analysis.


Salajegheh R, Nemergut EC, Rice TM, Joseph R, Tsang S, Sarosiek BM, Muthusubramanian PC, Hipwell KM, Horton KB, Naik BI
PLoS One. 2020; 15(6):e0234199.
PMID: 32497141.


To mitigate the recent nationwide shortage of intravenous opioids, we developed a standardized perioperative oral opioid guideline anchored with appropriate use of nonopioid analgesia, neuraxial and loco-regional techniques. We hypothesize that adoption of this new guideline was associated with: 1) equivalent patient reported pain scores in the post-anesthesia care unit (PACU); and 2) equivalent total opioid use (oral and parenteral) during the perioperative period.