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Papers of the Week

Papers: 23 May 2020 - 29 May 2020

Human Studies

2020 May 20

Clin Orthop Relat Res

Targeted Muscle Reinnervation Improves Residual Limb Pain, Phantom Limb Pain, and Limb Function: A Prospective Study of 33 Major Limb Amputees.


Mioton LM, Dumanian GA, Shah N, Qiu CS, Ertl WJ, Potter BK, Souza JM, Valerio IL, Ko JH, Jordan SW
Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2020 May 20.
PMID: 32452928.


Targeted muscle reinnervation is an emerging surgical technique to treat neuroma pain whereby sensory and mixed motor nerves are transferred to nearby redundant motor nerve branches. In a recent randomized controlled trial, targeted muscle reinnervation was recently shown to reduce postamputation pain relative to conventional neuroma excision and muscle burying.