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Papers of the Week

2020 May 15

Dermatol Ther (Heidelb)

Cutaneous Breast Cancer Metastases Successfully Treated Using an Oxygen Flow Assisted Topical Administration of Methotrexate (OFAMTX).


Jouret G, Gonne E, Quatresooz P, Reginster M-A, Collins P, Lebas E, Jerusalem G, Nikkels AF
Dermatol Ther (Heidelb). 2020 May 15.
PMID: 32415574.


Cutaneous metastases of breast cancer remain a therapeutic challenge. Oxygen flow-assisted topical administration of methotrexate 5% (OFAMTX, 5% methotrexate in a carrier solution) has recently been proven to be an efficacious alternative treatment for extramammary Paget's disease, which is considered to be an in situ mammary adenocarcinoma of the epidermis.