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Rev Soc Bras Med Trop


Death due to acute Chagas -related myocarditis in a child: a case report.


da Silva T C C, Silva K B, Marques C S, Casotti J A S, de Eduardo E F A F, Castello J S'ana, Dario M A, Garbin J R T, Moreira-Silva S F
Rev Soc Bras Med Trop. 2020; 53:e20190406.
PMID: 32321089.


This is a case report about the only confirmed death in the State of Espírito Santo due to acute Chagas-related myocarditis in a 2-year-old child living in the rural area of Guarapari. He presented with fever, abdominal pain, headache, and vomiting, resulting in death 21 days after the presentation of symptoms. Amastigote forms were observed in the myocardial fibers in histological examination. The boy's mother had reported finding "kissing bugs" in the child's hand. This case highlights the need to include Chagas disease in the differential diagnosis in health care to provide early treatment and avoid death in affected individuals.