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Papers of the Week

2020 Apr 16

Int Orthop

C-reactive protein as marker of post-operative analgesic quality after primary total knee arthroplasty.


Tarasov DA, Lychagin AV, Yavorovkiy AG, Lipina MM, Tarasova IA
Int Orthop. 2020 Apr 16.
PMID: 32300831.


To study the correlation between the level of C-reactive protein (CRP) and the severity of pain in the post-operative period with primary total knee arthroplasty and to conduct a comparative assessment of these indicators with various methods of pain relief. The primary hypothesis of the investigation was that post-operative CRP level is likely to be correlated with the severity of post-operative pain after total knee arthroplasty. The secondary points were the evaluation of CRP and pain syndrome in the groups, as well as the identification of the correlation between the level of CRP and the method of analgesia.