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Papers of the Week

2020 Mar 11

Curr Cardiol Rev

Symptoms in Dilating Venous Disease.


Yetkin E, Ozturk S, Cuglan B, Turhan H
Curr Cardiol Rev. 2020 Mar 11.
PMID: 32164514.


Lower extremity venous diseases or insufficiency include clinically deteriorating conditions with morphological and functional alterations of the venous system including venous hypertension, vascular wall structural abnormality, and venous valvar incompetency in association with a inflammatory process . In fact the same pathophysiological processes are the main underlying mechanisms of other venous insufficiencies in different vascular territories such as varicocele, pelvic varicosities or congestion syndrome and hemorrhoids.Regarding the anatomical continuity of lower extremity venous system, urogenital system (pampiniform plexus in male and broad ligament and ovarian veins in female) and anorectal venous system, it is reasonable to expect common symptoms such as pain, burning sensation, pruritis, swelling, which arises direclty from the involved tissue itself. High coexistence rate of peripheral varicose vein, varicocele/pelvic congestion syndrome and hemorrhoid between eachother undelines not only the same vascular wall abnormaility as an underlying etiology but also existence of common symptoms originating from the involved tissue in dilating venous disease. Accordingly, it might be reasonable to query the common symptoms of venous dilating disease in other venous vascular region in patients with complaints of any particular venous territory.