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Papers of the Week

2020 Jan 09

J Vasc Bras


Responsiveness of the CCVUQ-Br quality of life questionnaire in chronic venous ulcer patients.


Couto R C, de Leal F J, Pitta G B B, Andreoni S
J Vasc Bras. 2020 Jan 09; 19:e20190047.
PMID: 31975989.


Responsiveness is a measure of an instrument's ability to reflect in its score the variability that has occurred in a patient's life as a result of an intervention. The CCVUQ-Br has been validated in Portuguese, but its responsiveness still needs to be tested. When this study has been completed, the CCVUQ-Br will be available for use as an instrument capable of detecting and reflecting in its score the changes that take place in the quality of life of people with venous ulcers.