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Papers of the Week

2019 Dec 02

Mil Med Res



A randomized trial comparing the Tennant Biomodulator to transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation and traditional Chinese acupuncture for the treatment of chronic pain in military service members.


Peacock KS, Stoerkel E, Libretto S, Zhang W, Inman A, Schlicher M, Cowsar JD, Eddie D, Walter J
Mil Med Res. 2019 Dec 02; 6(1):37.
PMID: 31791416.


The present investigation tested the efficacy of the Tennant Biomodulator, a novel pain management intervention that uses biofeedback-modulated electrical stimulation, to reduce chronic pain and its psychosocial sequelae in a sample of current and former military service members. The Tennant Biomodulator used on its most basic setting was compared to two commonly used, non-pharmacological pain treatments-traditional Chinese acupuncture and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)-in a comparative efficacy, randomized, open-label trial.