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Vestn Otorinolaringol



[Vascular mechanisms in Meniere’s disease].


Kutlubaev MA, Pal'chun VT, Savel'eva EE, Guseva AL
Vestn Otorinolaringol. 2019; 84(2):70-77.
PMID: 31198220.


Meniere's disease (MD) is chronic multifactorial medical condition caused by endolymphatic hydrops, which etiology is unclear. This review highlights possible vascular mechanisms of MD. Impairment of vascular regulation, further ischemic damage of labyrinth and venous drainage pathology could lead to endolymphatic hydrops. Epidemiologic studies reveal high comorbidity of MD and migraine. Both diseases could be the result of trigeminovascular dysfunction. Betahistine, the medication with vascular effect, is widely used in treatment of MD, the effectiveness of calcium channel blockers is evaluated. Keywords: vertigo, Meniere's disease, endolymphatichydrops, migraine, vascular mechanisms, betahistine.