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Papers of the Week

Papers: 12 Jan 2019 - 18 Jan 2019

Human Studies

2019 Jan

Reg Anesth Pain Med



Self-reported cumulative medical opioid exposure and subjective responses on first use of opioids predict analgesic and subjective responses to placebo-controlled opioid administration.


Bruehl S, Stone AL, Palmer C, Edwards DA, Buvanendran A, Gupta R, Chont M, Kennedy M, Burns JW
Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2019 Jan; 44(1):92-99.
PMID: 30640659.


To expand the evidence base needed to enable personalized pain medicine, we evaluated whether self-reported cumulative exposure to medical opioids and subjective responses on first opioid use predicted responses to placebo-controlled opioid administration.