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PAIN Reports

The open home of global research and emerging pain science.

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Current Issue of PAIN Reports

PAIN: Clinical Updates

PAIN: Clinical Updates, which provide timely and accurate information about pain management and therapy on topics of interest to practitioners in various specialties, is now an article type in PAIN Reports, our open access journal.

2024, Vol. 9, Issue 5

ISSN: 2471-2531
Frequency: publishing 5 issues in 2023
Impact Factor: 4.8


PAIN Reports achieved a significant milestone in 2022 by receiving its inaugural impact factor of 4.8.

An online, open access, multidisciplinary journal.

PAIN Reports promotes a global, rapid, and readily accessible forum that advances clinical, applied, and basic research on pain. The journal publishes full-length articles as well as brief reports, reviews, meta-analyses, meeting proceedings, and selected case reports.

PAIN Reports is indexed in PubMed Central.

PAIN Reports gives special attention to submissions reporting the results of enterprising and high-risk research and pilot studies as well as locally developed clinical guidelines from scientists and clinicians in developing countries. IASP also publishes the journal PAIN.


PAIN Reports publishes articles under the following sections:

  • Commentaries
  • Review/Meta-analysis
  • General Section
  • Neuropathic
  • Musculoskeletal
  • Acute and Perioperative
  • Cancer and Palliative
  • Headache and Orofacial
  • Pediatric
  • Basic
  • Psychology
  • Pharmacology
  • Pain in the Humanities
  • Regional (geographic)
  • Guidelines
  • Meeting proceedings
  • Correspondence

Article Processing Charges 

As an open access, peer-reviewed journal, PAIN Reports charges publication fees for each article it publishes. These fees cover the expenses incurred by publication, including the peer-review process, journal production and publication, and hosting and archiving fees. Fees vary by article type, as shown below. IASP members pay a substantially discounted rate. Find out the benefits of IASP membership. Membership will be verified at acceptance.

Article Types

The journal will only consider publication of work that includes information that is sufficient to permit replication by other laboratories. Manuscripts reporting data from novel chemical probes will not be considered unless the structure and pharmacological characterization, including selectivity and relevant formulation, are reported or directly described in a prior peer-reviewed publication.

For more information about article processing charges, article types, and for answers to frequently asked questions, please visit the PAIN Reports website.

Manuscript Submission

The manuscript submission site for PAIN Reports is www.editorialmanager.com/painreports. The site contains instructions and advice on how to use the system, guidance on submitting electronic art, and supporting documentation. 

The journal has incorporated a new feature, the PAIN Reports Journal Club, which encourages trainees in pain research to comment on a recently published article to enhance readers’ understanding by evaluating it critically, placing it in context, and suggesting further lines of inquiry. 

Questions? Please contact the PAIN Reports Editorial Office.

Thanks to Our Reviewers

On behalf of the Section Editors of PAIN Reports, and as Editor-in-Chief of the journal, I wish to acknowledge and thank all of the reviewers who have given their time and expertise to review articles for PAIN Reports.

Reviewing is an invaluable task, one that greatly contributes to the journal’s academic standing and to its place in the world of pain research. This is especially important for a new journal as it struggles to establish itself in a very competitive environment. 

We are also grateful to all authors who choose PAIN Reports to publish their basic and clinical research findings.

Thank you.
David Yarnitsky, MD
Editor-in-Chief, PAIN Reports