IASP leadership and staff are excited to announce and welcome Steven Gardiner as Chief Executive Officer for the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP). IASP is the leading global organization supporting the study and practice of pain and pain relief. For 50 years, IASP has convened scientists, clinicians, health care providers, and policymakers from around the world in pursuit of bringing relief to those who are in pain.
“I am thrilled to welcome Steve as the new CEO of IASP. We are all excited about his fresh perspectives and new ideas. I look forward to working with Steve and achieving great things for IASP,” said M. Catherine Bushnell, PhD, IASP President.
Steve has had a long career working in and consulting to associations in Washington DC. He served as an interim executive for several organizations prior to joining IASP in August as the Interim CEO. Steve has worked with include the American Chemistry Council, the National Association of Broadcasters, the American Academy of PAs, and the International Safety Equipment Association.
Steve began his career in communications, running national advertising and marketing campaigns, public policy efforts, and global communications for the US Pharmacopeial Convention. Steve’s passion for staff development, coaching, and mentoring people led him to operations and leadership roles.
Steve has led the formation of several non-profit organizations and foundations, establishing governance, financial and operational systems, member relations, and public policy efforts.
Steve is originally from the great state of Maine and enjoys how badly popular entertainment mangles the Maine accent. Steve’s wife Cheryl Levine is a public health official with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Steve and Cheryl reside on Capitol Hill in Washington DC.