A 10-year-old boy presented with headache, fever, left-sided ptosis, and right-sided forehead soft tissue swelling. There was no recent history of trauma or infection. The patient had a large, fluctuant mass on the right side of his forehead, upgaze restriction, left-sided ptosis, and bilateral optic disc edema. Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain showed a frontal bone extradural fluid collection superficial to the superior sagittal sinus in keeping with an epidural abscess. There were multiple venous thromboses and thickening and enhancement of the dura, compatible with meningitis. There was right sphenoid sinusitis. This patient had Potts puffy tumor, a rare diagnosis associated with a forehead swelling from frontal bone osteomyelitis and subperiosteal abscess. It is seen in the pediatric population in association with sinusitis or trauma. Antibiotics, anticoagulation, and acetazolamide were initiated, and the epidural abscess was evacuated. The symptoms and signs resolved with treatment.
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