Teaching, training, and clinical research in the area of Cancer Pain and Palliative Care for two decades. At the national level, leading pivotal role in finalizing government of India policies and protocol of Pain/Palliative Care and opioid availability throughout India. At the international level, assisting organizations like IAHPC/APHN in advocacy and training in South East Asian Countries in areas of Pain and Palliative Care. Organized 19 major International Pain and Palliative Care Conferences in various parts of India since 2009 on a yearly basis. On the Board of Directors of International Association of Hospice and Palliative Care (IAHPC), Chief Editor, Indian Journal of Palliative Care (since 2009), Editorial Board Member of World Journal of Anaesthesiology and Annals of Palliative Medicine and recipient of ‘Award of Excellence in Palliative Medicine amongst SAARC countries’ and ‘Susan Raj Pain Physician of the year 2012-2013’ Awards.
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