I am a Consultant Pain Specialist who retired from Selayang Hospital in 2016 after serving for more than 30 years in the Ministry of Health (MOH) Malaysia.Currently, I am a visiting consultant pain specialist at Hospital Tuanku Muhriz UKM in Kuala Lumpur. I have done pioneering work in the field of Pain managementin Malaysia – this includes starting the first Acute Pain Service in the MOH in Hospital Kuala Lumpur in 1993, setting up the first multidisciplinary pain clinic in theMOH in Hospital Selayang in 2000, and helping to set up the first inpatient palliative care unit in the MOH in Hospital Selayang in 2002. I was also responsible forimplementing Pain as the 5th Vital Sign in the MOH in 2008, and subsequently spearheaded the “Pain Free Hospital” initiative of the MOH in 2011.
Since my retirement from full time clinical practice, I continue to be actively involved in teaching pain management in Malaysia and in the ASEAN region. I wasPresident of the Malaysian Association for the Study of Pain (MASP) for 10 years and now serve as Advisor to the MASP. I was a faculty member of the first IASPSoutheast Asia Pain camp in 2011, and have continued to be involved in running the 5 subsequent biennial pain camps (2013-2023), which are run by theAssociation of Southeast Asian Pain Societies (ASEAPS), where I serve as a council member.