Angelo Bouselli joined IASP in 2021 as the Associate Director of Marketing. In October 2023, Angelo was promoted to Director of Membership and Marketing and now leads IASP’s membership and marketing teams, overseeing communications, social media, and branding. Angelo has 20 years of experience in nonprofit marketing and communications. Prior to joining IASP, Angelo spent six years as a Marketing, Program manager with the American Geophysical Union and six years with the Milken Institute’s Faster Cures and helped launch the Melanoma Research Alliance. Angelo also held roles at The Brookings Institution’s Center for Public Policy Education and the American Society for Microbiology Academy. Angelo started his career at two small nonprofits in Washington, DC, Steven Winter Associates and the National Hydropower Association. Angelo holds a Bachelor of Arts in Communications from the University of Maryland.
- Contact Angelo About: Membership, Marketing, Communications, Branding, and Social Media
- Liaison to: Digital Strategy Working Group, Membership and Marketing Committee, 50th Anniversary Task Force, and Early Career Network