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How to Form an IASP Chapter



The 2025 Global Year will examine pain management and education beyond low- and middle-income countries to include low-income settings and priority populations.

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If you would like to form a chapter in your country or region, please follow these steps:

  1. Establish a local pain association or organization in your country if one does not already exist. Click here to see a listing of all IASP chapters to make sure that your country does not already have one.
  2. Once an association is established in your country, make sure that at least 25 members of your organization are current IASP members. If your organization is located in a developing or currency-restricted country, you can have as few as ten current IASP members to apply.
    Please note:

    • IASP Chapters must be multidisciplinary, and efforts should be made to include physicians of various specialties, dentists, psychologists, nurses, physical therapists, and basic scientists.
    • Each member of the association's executive committee must be a current IASP member. To find out more about IASP membership, click here.
  3. Return the completed application to IASP with the signatures of 25 current IASP members (or ten, as noted above).
  4. For inquiries on how to form an IASP Chapter, please email the Director of Membership, Rob Burman, at iaspdesk@iasp-pain.org.

Return the application form to:

By Post:
International Association for the Study of Pain
c/o: Membership
712 H St NE, #55, Washington, DC 20002, USA

By Telephone: +1-202-856-7400
By Fax: +1-202-856-7401

Email: chapters@iasp-pain.org

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