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Administration bei SPS

Swiss Pain Society (SPS)


Current President: PD Dr. med. Konrad Maurer, Anaesthesiologist
President Elect: PD Dr. med. Marc Suter, Anaesthesiologist
Past President: Prof. Dr. med. André Ljutow, Orthopedic Surgeon
Secretary: Prof. med. Petra Schweinhardt, PhD, Chiropractor
Treasurer: Prof. Dr. med. Andreas Gantenbein, Neurologist
Committee Member: Dr. med. Nicolas Mariotti, Anesthesiologist
Committee Member: lic. phil. Beat Steiger, Psychologist
Committee Member: Prof. Dr. Thomas Benz, Physiotherapist
Committee Member: Dr. med. Sven Brockmüller, MSc, Neurologist
Committee Member: Dr. med. Fleur Baumann Benvenuti, Rheumatologist
Committee Member: Dr. med. Noëmi Zurron, Anesthesiologist
Committee Member: Prof. Dr. méd., Dr. phil. Chantal Berna Renella, General Internal Medicine

Aargauerstrasse 250, 8048 Zürich

The Swiss Pain Society (SPS) aims to promote research in the field of pain therapy. We want to support the exchange of scientific knowledge and practical experience in the field of clinical work as well as teaching and further training, especially throughout Switzerland.

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