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Society of Haitian Training and Management of Pain (SOHAD)


SOHAD Executive Committee 2020 - 2022
President: Sabine Regine Roche, MD, MSc
Vice President: Lucien Rousseau, MD
Secretary: Josue Louis, Clinical Psychologist
Assistant Secretary: Fabienne Tassy, MD
Treasurer: Guerline Desir, RN
Assistant Treasurer: Judelyne Mondestin, RN
Advisor: Marleine Jean Aimable, Pharmacist
Advisor: Gretta Joseph, RN
Advisor: Marie Flaurine J J Joseph, Pharmacist

29, 1ere Avenue du Travail
Port-au-Prince, Haiti

SOHAD’s objectives are:

To study the mechanisms involved in pain.
To promote the multidisciplinary and multi-professional approach both in fundamental and clinical research, and in the management of pain.
To develop exploration, evaluation, and pain management treatment methods, and to establish standardized references.
To guide and promote the teaching, the research, and the clinical practice of all that involves the evaluation and the treatment of pain.
To participate in university, post-university and continuous education.
To contribute to the establishment of evaluation measures for continuous training in the evaluation and management of pain.
To develop training curricula for patients, for healthcare personnel, but also for caretakers (in families and at the community level).
To advocate for the classification, for a nomenclature, and for the definition in French and in Haitian Creole of pain and of painful syndromes.
To divulge to official organizations all the available information concerning the treatment of pain, notably the knowledge available on pain-management medication.
To support the development of and to promote Haitian traditional medicine in the management of painful symptoms.
To raise the awareness of the Haitian society at large on pain and on its impacts, and to divulge to the public all the available information concerning the evaluation and management of pain.
To liaise with international and French-speaking pain management associations in particular.
To convene volunteers and caretakers in the management of pain through training, through raising awareness, through information, involvement in caretaking, and in all other activity contributing to the recognition of the culture of pain.
To conduct all other activities likely to contribute to reaching the objectives listed hereinabove.

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