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Pain, Mind, and Movement


Chair: Anabela Silva (Portugal)
Past Chair:
Felipe Reis (Brazil)
Treasurer: Tasha Stanton (Australia)
Secretary: Saurab Sharma (Nepal)

Scientific Sub-committee:

  • Johan Vlaeyen (Belgium)
  • Rodrigo Rizzo (Brazil)
  • Eva Huysmans (Belgium)
  • Nathan Hutting (The Netherlands)

Social media Sub-committee:

  • Lincoln Tracy (Australia)

The Pain, Mind, and Movement Special Interest Group aims to act as a multidisciplinary forum of communication to:

  • Improve the standard of care provided to patients with disabling pain to improve physical and psychological functioning and increase participation in daily life.
  • Empower health professionals and patients to play active roles in the rehabilitation process.
  • Encourage basic and clinical research on how mind and movement affect disabling pain.
  • Facilitate the translation of evidence into clinical practice and mediate the implementation of new diagnostics and treatments.
  • Foster communication between researchers, clinicians, and patients to drive research and stimulate international study.
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