The Musculoskeletal Pain Special Interest Group seeks to increase awareness, and provide a forum to discuss the interaction between muscle pain and motor control systems as it relates to musculoskeletal pain.
In understanding this relationship better, the SIG aims to address the following areas:
- The mechanisms involved in the sensory and motor characteristics of joint, bone, and muscle pain.
- Diagnosis.
- Novel treatment opportunities.
Free Musculoskeletal Pain in Youth Webinar Recording
On 22 May 2023 the Musculoskeletal Pain SIG hosted a webinar on Musculoskeletal Pain in Youth. This webinar focused on the consequences of chronic pain in adolescents/young adults, the challenges faced by youth and caregivers as they navigate chronic pain management, and how chronic pain can impact youth’s lives and their families. The webinar also covered the most recent evidence on how untreated chronic pain in adolescents/young adults can develop into more complex pain disorders. Featuring presentations by:
- Rhiannon Joslin, PhD, University of Southampton, UK
- Alexandra Neville, PhD, Stanford University School of Medicine, California, USA
- Michael Skovdal Rathleff, PhD, Dr.Med., Aalborg University, Denmark
- Kristian Kjær-Staal Petersen, PhD, Dr.Med., Aalborg University, Denmark (moderator)
Free Treatment of Chronic Low Back Pain Webinar Recording
On 16 January 2023, the Musculoskeletal Pain SIG hosted a webinar on Treatment of Chronic Low Back Pain. The webinar was dedicated to discussing two treatment opportunities, namely pain reprocessing therapy (PRT) and cognitive functional therapy (CFT) and cover the most recent evidence within this field. The webinar featured the following speakers:
• Tor Wager, PhD, Dartmouth College, New Hampshire, USA
• Peter O’Sullivan, DPT, PhD, FACP, Curtin University, Perth, Australia
• Henrik Bjarke Vaegter, PhD, University of Southern Denmark (chair for the scientific committee of the IASP MSK SIG and moderator of the webinar)