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Presidential Task Force

Global Burden of Pain Task Force


[Term 2018-2022]

Chair: Fiona Blyth, Australia
Sushma Bhatnagar, India
Clermont Dionne, Canada
Michael Falcon, USA
Allen Finley, Canada
Andrea Furlan, Canada
Cynthia Goh, Singapore
Carmen Huckel Schneider, Australia
Gary MacFarlane, United Kingdom
Lyn March, Australia
Koichi Noguchi, Japan
Gaston Nyirigira, Rwanda
Judith Paice, USA
Fabian Piedimonte, Argentina
Andrew Rice, UK
Helen Slater, Australia
Blair Smith, UK
Anne Soderlund, Sweden
Michele Sterling, Australia
Rolf-Detlef Treede, Germany
Judith Turner, USA

The Task Force will leverage the published research on the Global Burden of Disease to help IASP and our chapters effectively utilize the GBD data to demonstrate the role of pain as a key driver in the global burden of disease, and nationally. The Task Force will also provide recommendations to the IASP Council on strategies that can be utilized to effectively communicate this data to advocate for increased funding and support for research, education and patient support globally.

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