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IASP Pain Camp Support – Minimum Requirements

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Pain Camps

Pain Camps are inter-professional residential educational events aimed at promoting interdisciplinary pain management by improving the knowledge and skills of young healthcare professionals in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).

One of the long term aims of IASP Pain camps is also to facilitate the formation of new IASP chapters by building a critical mass of multidisciplinary clinicians in LMICs where there are no IASP Chapters.

All those seeking IASP support for conducting a pain camp must complete the submission process specified in this document and meet these minimum requirements.

The IASP Education Programs Working Group (EPWG) will review all funding requests and make recommendations to the IASP Council. Please note that only a limited number of Pain Camps are possible each year.

Pain Camp Proposal Requirements

Pain Camp Objectives and Vision of IASP

Pain Camps are interprofessional residential educational events aimed at promoting interdisciplinary pain management by improving the knowledge and skills of young healthcare professionals in low- and middle-income countries.

It is important to clarify in your application how your camp will meet this objective.

Pain Camp Scientific/Educational Program

Pain Camp Budget

  • The budget must provide details on all sources of projected revenue and details and rationale for all projected expenses.
  • If the application includes a request for financial support from IASP, the request must include the amount of money requested (in US Dollars) and a detailed accounting of how the funds will be used.
  • The request must also clearly specify all other funding sources, the amount of funds from each source, and how those funds will be used.
  • The registration fee must be included in the budget, which should also include a policy on who will be fully subsidized, partially subsidized, and self- funded.

Pain Camp Participants

  • Participants should come from low- and middle-income countries in a specified region of the world. Chapters in high Income countries (HICs) in the region may also be included (e.g., members from the Singapore chapter are eligible to join the Southeast Asian pain camp).
  • Participants should preferably be early career and come from different professional backgrounds. Ideally, participants should include physicians from different specialties (e.g., anesthesiology, neurology, palliative medicine, family medicine, surgery, orthopaedics, dental), clinical psychologists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, and nurses.
  • Participants should be practicing clinicians and/or current faculty members at clinical schools/universities.
  • The criteria for selection of the participants should be specified in the application. Applicants may want to consider context specific training needs for the region such as applicants' rural vs urban setting or applicants in primary healthcare settings vs tertiary healthcare.
  • All applicants for pain camps supported by IASP must be IASP members; nonmember applications can be considered for admission, but they must join IASP before the camp.
  • The IASP Secretariat will work with all IASP-supported pain camps to validate membership of applicants.
  • All applications (both successful and unsuccessful) will be shared with the IASP Secretariat.
  • Applicants must commit to attend the whole program and be able to participate in the official language of the camp.

Geographic Regions

IASP will prioritize supporting camps in diverse geographic regions. IASP will consider requests for more than one pain camp in a particular geographic region but is unlikely to fund more than one pain camp in a particular region per call. If there are two or more applicants from the same region, they may be asked to consider combining their applications. Neighbouring Chapters are encouraged to consider combining resources to support a pain camp or providing funds for members to attend a pain camp in their region.

It is IASP’s goal that, over time, IASP-supported pain camps in different regions will work together to coordinate the development of program content and management of student applications.


IASP requires that all IASP-supported pain camps include the IASP name and logo in the branding of the camp. All IASP-supported pain camps will be recognized by IASP as “IASP Pain Camps.”

Proposal requests must address how the IASP name/logo will be integrated into the pain camp branding.

Program Evaluation

All IASP-supported pain camps must conduct evaluations of each pain camp program, including evaluations by pain camp students and faculty. A plan for such evaluations must be included in all proposals.

Program Administration/Logistical Support

IASP prefers that IASP-supported pain camps work closely with the IASP Secretariat to take advantage of administrative support available through the Secretariat, including:

  • Application and review process
  • Marketing and promotion

Application Process Summary


After completion of the program (preferably within one month of the Camp), IASP Pain Camps must provide a comprehensive report to the IASP Council, using a standard format supplied by the IASP.

Criteria to be Used in Selecting Successful Applicants

All applications to run Pain Camps will be assessed according to the principles and criteria outlined in this Minimum Requirements document. These will include the completion of all sections outlined in the Application Process Summary.

In addition, as IASP is seeking to encourage the formation of new chapters in low and middle-income countries (LMICs) which do not currently have chapters, applicants who satisfactorily complete the sections outlined in the Application Process Summary and whose camp will include participants from such LMICs will be given preference.